More of the knowledge
More of the power

By the power of knowledge we lead the world.

We seek to service the world with a high educational and consulting services to our partners of success, who trust us.
Using the technological tricks, by the power of employees and practical experience.

International Corporation for Science and Training, one of the most effective enterprise at the field of education in UK and also the entire region, which add value throw unparalleled expertise.

Aims to provide educational services and accreditation to various persons like students, trainers and the educational institutions.

Our Exclusive Agent in The Middle East is A+ Agency.

That approved to be the agent between ICST.UK and the customers which help them to complete the accreditation procedures, give service for educational institutions and trainers.

The Never Ending Family

Our Team​

A postgraduate course is typically one year’s duration full time.

A degree taken at the end of undergraduate studies. 

Individual or group opportunities providing information to parents which focuses on:


Help you by giving consulting advices that you need in your business.


Have a question?

Always there to help, leave a 
message and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
You can call our call center.